Client The client offers an on-demand delivery service with the goal of creating career opportunities for Filipino riders. 
Product Overview GoAmigo is an on-demand delivery service that seeks to provide Filipinos with equal opportunities for self-employment. Riders can choose their own schedules, how many stops they make each day to increase their earnings, and whether or not they complete deliveries in their neighborhood.
  • Angular (Frontend)
  • NodeJS (Backend)
  • Swift (iOS)
  • Kotlin (Android)
  • AWS (Server)
  • CICD
  • NewRelic(Monitoring tools)


There is a great need for decent jobs for aspiring riders and that the food and delivery industries are flourishing. GoAmigo links riders and retailers directly. Filipinos now have easy access to a wide range of companies and services thanks to this mobile application.

The Problem to Solve

Making it simpler for those recruited as riders to commission any accessible task orders and then receive the required profits without going through so much effort is one of the issues that the client is attempting to solve.

The Solution


  • The development team, together with the product owner, worked on simplifying the app so that it was usable by people at all levels of literacy. 
  • By developing a user-friendly app, we were able to eliminate confusion about technology usage among generations.

Better relationships

  • By streamlining the client’s project management workflow, we also improved their relationship with previous outsourcing partners. 
  • We ensured that all technical aspects of the project were communicated clearly and efficiently—allowing them to make changes or adapt as needed.


The primary indicator of the product’s success is the fact that, thanks to the app’s enhancements, their firm is now operational and more efficient. In helping clients and passengers, the administrators and customer care agents grew more proficient. Overall, there were more than 100 users and more than 40 riders that used the app every day with little to no issues.